

We are committed to providing high quality legal advice and client care.  However, if at any point you become unhappy or concerned with the service we provide, then you should inform us immediately so that we can do our best to resolve any issues.

We hope that in the first instance you will feel able to, and would recommend, that you discuss your concerns with the person carrying out the work on your behalf.  If your concerns are not capable of being resolved as a result of such discussion, then our complaint’s procedure is as follows:

Step One:

You should let us know the full nature of the problem. You can do this by emailing us at or writing to us at 182 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, London E17 4QH.

Step Two:

We will write to you, acknowledging your complaint, within three working days. In this letter, we will confirm what happens next.

Step Three:

We will then investigate the matter by reviewing the matter file and speaking to the member of staff concerned within five working days of acknowledging receipt of your complaint.  If, for some reason, the matter cannot be investigated in this timeframe, then we will write to you notifying you of this together with the reason why and giving a revised timescale.  We will send you a detailed, written response, including our proposed resolution, within fourteen days of sending you the letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint.

Step Four:

If you are satisfied with our response in Step Three above, that will be the end of the matter.  However, if you are not satisfied, you should contact us again and we will arrange to review our decision.  We will write to you within fourteen days of receiving your request, with confirmation of the firm’s final position in relation to your complaint, outlining the reasons and any final redress that is offered.

Step Five:

We have eight weeks to consider your complaint. If for any reason we are unable to resolve the problem between us within that timeframe, then you may ask the Legal Ombudsman to consider the complaint.  The Legal Ombudsman may be contacted at PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton WV1 9WJ or via email at

Please be aware that any complaint to the Legal Ombudsman must usually be made within six months of your having received a final written response from us about your complaint.

Complaints to the Legal Ombudsman must usually be made with six years of the act or omission about which you are complaining occurring; or within three years from when you should have known about or become aware that there were grounds for complaint.

However, the Legal Ombudsman will not accept complaints where the act or date of awareness was before 6th October 2010.

For further information, you should contact the Legal Ombudsman on 0300 555 0333 or